Twitter VS. Blackboard


There are a few big differences between Twitter and Blackboard, the biggest one which I think is the most obvious one is the fact that Twitter only allows 14o characters to communicate while blackboard allows you to use as many characters as you please. This can make a huge difference because having only 140 characters to use can sometimes be too little if its something that you wanted to express yourself with you cant do it in 140 words, most of the time. Although twitter lets the person interact more then blackboard does, for instance it lets you retweet things and love things where blackboard doesn’t give you that option.

Social Net’g

In this article we read that Facebook was going to introduce a new thing that help people search for things. “Zuckerberg promised users will be able to tailor their searches, such as by specifying music and restaurants that their friends like, or their favorite dentist. The reverse is also possible, such as discovering friends who have an interest in a particular topic.” This is an older article but this has been implemented a while ago the whole new search bar and it has helped Facebook a lot as well as people a lot. There are good things and bad things that have come from these searches. The good thing is that I think it is easier to find things on Facebook and in general when you are on there. Something that can be bad for the consumer at least is now Facebook can now target you for whatever you are searching for and send you adds for that. I think that a huge way that this can evolve which it kind of did evolve already is what they have now. Where you can literally search for anyone or anything on Facebook and find it, which its like having a Google but more I think.

In the article that I read  it says “The researchers, Danah Boyd and Eszter Hargittai, report that most Facebook users modified their privacy settings at least once in 2009 and that “engagement with privacy settings increased significantly” between 2009 and 2010.

Over all, our data show that far from being nonchalant and unconcerned about privacy matters, the majority of young adult users of Facebook are engaged with managing their privacy settings on the site at least to some extent,”. Which I think is  a huge thing Facebook privacy. I know I have a Facebook account and if you would search me you wouldn’t find me because I made myself as private as you can get there because I don’t need random people knowing what I am doing in my life. I also don’t post as much and try to go through my friends list as often as I can so I keep it updated with who I am really friends so the people I am not so friendly with don’t need to know everything about me either. It is annoying but I think its better if most peoples lives are kept private and not everyone has to know about it.


Hi my name is Yehuda and i am writing this blog to talk about the love i have for music and what sort of music i listen to. These days there are so many different genres of music that its so hard to have only one or 2 genres but to have like 10 or 20 i would say. Here are a few artists that i like to listen to pretty often. First artist is Eminem, i think he is a master at what he does and has really amazing talent. The next is Rihanna she has an amazing voice and puts on a great show. Talking about shows the most amazing concert i have ever been to is Coldplay, they were by far the most entertaining and put on the greatest and most awesome show.
